Hello everyone!
I would like to share with you some tips about Packaging and Shipping that I was reading lately. For everybody who runs an online business, there are a few important things to take in consideration when mail your items to your customers.
Your customer will have a good impression if the item arrives safely and attractively packaged, so, put a little extra effort in make your package original and secure. You can use stamps, tags, stickers, recycled materials, ribbons, paints, bubble wrap, padded envelopes, etc., to make it special... be artistic and innovative.
Add a nice handwritten "Thank You" note. That's your personal touch and your customer will love it :)
Add a printed copy of the order. It will be very useful if by any chance the package got shredded in transit because the shipper would be able to find the address inside and send it safely to its destiny.
Add an extra gift if possible, maybe a sample of your work, a useful promotional item or just a candy.
A great idea would be to send a nice designed Gift Certificate, maybe your customer decides to activate it later and give it as a gift. That means more sales for you too :)
You can add a Discount Coupon and invite your customer to come back.
Add always a couple of your business cards.
wonderful tips, susy, and your packaging is outstanding! i'm gonna have to work on mine a bit... step up my game a little! thanks for the reminder!
This is a wonderful post. I appreciate your tips!I have really been considering new ways to pump up my packaging, good timing!
These are some great tips. Simple to employ and with so many possibilities. I love your tins.
Thanks for your comments ladies :)
very nice...I even referred to your post on my blog today at http://tiltcreations.blogspot.com/2009/07/packaging-shipping-and-handling.html
Thanks Tilt! I just twitted it :)
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